About us

My Grandfather, a farmer, admired the German Shepherd dog very much. During daytime was his dog “Rolf” mostly on a chain but during the night he watched their possessions and some tram got to know his Rolf in a painful way. In World War II Russian soldiers occupied the farm. The people of the farm hid all their food in the ground underneath the dog. So most of the food could be saved.
By the end of the sixties we had already the 3rd generation of “Rolfs”. “Rolf III” was a very strong dog and accepted only my Grandfather and me as his master.
“Rolf III” was the top dog in the area. He went off with a hunting dog several times. One day he didn`t come back from one of these expeditions. Later we learned that he was shot by hunters. We were very sorry to loose “Rolf III”
And a few dogless years followed.
My Grandfather handed the farm over to my father. In the meantime I was fourteen and one day a crossbreed crossed my way in the football grounds. After a few strokes she didn`t leave my side again. When I came home with the dog in the evening my family knew I had a dog, which I would`t give away again. All my family liked her but she died after a few months. I got another dog after her. With the first money I earned myself I bought my first German Shepherd dog.
I called him Tasso. With Tasso I came to the SVÖ and I did all possible examinations with him. We went to a lot of tournaments. Tasso was a strong and narrowminded dog and he gave me a few problems to solve. He was a fighter, but a good protection and watchdog. After Tasso I trained other dogs of members in the association. My “dogslife” was too exhausting for my wife and so we got divorced in 1996.
I had to rebuild my life and I also included the dogs in it. I got a new flat and I built the kennels of the Diepolzwiese at the same time. I am supported by my family and my friends. I want to thank all of them. We have lots of fun with our dogs and we are proud of them.